From private individuals

Also private individuals have sent their praise for the book …

Below you will find reviews and comments from people who have reacted spontaneously wanting to share their experiences with the book.

From Leivur a Troedni, 26 May 2017

I think it is a lovely and easily accessible book that deals with topics that can be difficult to address in a straightforward manner without banalizing them.

I think that is a huge achievement. There is a very fine balance between the chapters. The way in which the reader is guided closer to an honest and clear understanding of meditation and the spiritual values and modes is unique and absolutely brilliant.

All things considered, it is a wonderful book where you feel you are in good company whilst acquiring new knowledge and a deeper insight into spiritual wisdom in a simple and entertaining manner.

So thank you so much for that.

From Eskild Tjalve, 17 January 2020

I read your book – thank you for that! It is really interesting.

What a journey you have been on – both externally and internally. You have really absorbed experiences and wisdom and you have a good way of writing – a mixture of concrete knowledge and fine spiritual insights and experiences.

I enjoyed the overview given in the book and you have made it so vivid by using your own personal experience.

From Pradeep Desai, 14 July 2017

– who had found and read the book in an ashram i India